Pedological survey service, coastal area Latium Region

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Pedological survey service, coastal area Latium Region

Client: ARSIAL – Regional Agency for Agricultural Development and Innovation of Lazio
Country: Italy
Period: January 2023 – Ongoing

Project objectives:

The service consists of the elaboration of the geographic database of Soil Units at the scale 1:50,000 through pedological survey and sampling of soils; chemical and physical laboratory determinations on sampled soils; archiving in the bank of all collected data; classification and evaluation of soils; revision and integration of the regional soil catalog; and elaboration of the required final reports.

The service was divided according to pedological macroenvironments into three areas attributed to each of the three partner firms. This subdivision takes into account past survey experience by allowing for harmonization with previous surveys performed at both 1:250,000 and 1: 50,000 scales. It also facilitates the cartographic processing of new limits, the implementation of databases as well as the logistical management of surveys to be carried out.

Service provided:

Activities performed:

  • Coordination of activities and logistical organization;
  • Soil survey (280 profiles, 1122 wells and minipools);
  • Soil sampling and analysis activities (1010 horizons);
  • Water retention curve analysis of sampled soils;
  • Photographic archive of soil surveys
  • Data storage in the Regional Database;
  • Classification, drafting of the 1:50,000 Soil Unit Map;
  • Drafting the final report

Final products:

  • Geographic database of land units
  • Geographic database of Soil Units at a scale of 1:50,000
  • Digital photo archive
  • Database of soil survey observations
  • Regional Pedological Database revised and updated
  • Regional Soils Catalogue of the Lazio Region, integrated and revised
  • Final report
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